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- technique…every day for a year!
- won’t get any warnings (about
- one to you, call Apple’s
- windows won't display the
- • Reinstall your system;
- feel inspired. Now quit reading
- don’t have the TrueType and
- install it there — and Option-
- extensions! I have over 50,
- PrintMonitor Documents folder
- Preferences from the Tools
- the Fonts folder. But each
- them to the desktop. Wow!
- Jigsaw Puzzle, Movie Player,
- an air conditioner. Then
- a SCSI address of 7,
- in SimpleText. Just drag
- System file; then in the
- font, etc.)? Then your Finder
- Weirdly, that makes your
- 3 weeks before our deadline!
- Clock has gone off. Choose
- turned off. They don’t
- a left-handed Delete
- Label Secrets control
- Left and Fill Up.
- just enough to hold the icons.
- window will open, showing
- off the same way you turn it
- SCSI cable. The dark gray
- in the “To:” box, with commas.
- the Open button, you can
- Project 2
- You must have completely
- three-volt lithium batteries.
- Balloon Help and
- insert the disk...”
- Today, nothing. It even makes
- David Pogue sat there and
- Installer (including Apple’s).
- on into a Header. Now you can
- to type a dummy letter, then
- at a dialog box. You’ll
- the document. This blurs the
- original files in
- then, you can throw away the
- you launch a program. Instead
- keys on your keypad to
- or Command-double-click
- from the menu while
- Raskin was the original Mac
- BEFORE using the spell checker.
- a line break (like “a la
- your Word Commands folder, and
- Conflict Catcher III, included
- Just hold down a certain key
- document’s last Return marker.
- “&p” (no quotes). Or, to offset
- a bird’s-eye view of the
- speaker and sound-input
- a drop-down menu of all
- command, and put an = sign
- very short arrow-headed line.
- double-click the title bar
- (Option-Shift-1) instead
- Press Command-Shift-3 to
- your keyboard (F1, F2, etc.)
- Shift-Option-hyphen when it’s
- Application menu. You’ll hide
- Control-Option-Command and draw
- OFF. Over 10 years,
- you drag through your text.
- Teleprotector #43-107, which
- screen? Open FileMaker’s Help
- modem on either port. You just
- rebuild the Desktop file. Use
- of each font! So always use
- When you’re done editing, save
- to your Microsoft Word menu,
- (comes with System 7) to
- Get Apple HDSC Setup 7.3.5 or
- • Using the hard drive
- the disk in another Mac’s
- price of $2495. Today, you
- Scrapbook; the Sound control
- Enjoy yourself!
- disk. Full instructions are in
- cartridge. Next time, don’t
- a saved e-mail on your desktop.
- Online doesn’t mean your Mac
- icon, Get Info, press Tab,
- any button in a dialog box.
- DRAGGING a folder or disk
- media. Try dropping a Scrapbook
- of RAM in your Mac. With this
- the dial counterclockwise, and
- a list price of $10,000!
- fact: if you lock a disk
- highlight both and choose
- the next alphabetical icon. Or
- Secrets”). Choose About
- are listed). Click the
- Photoshop from the Apple
- gentle, complete introduction
- Tools menu. Scroll down to see
- icon’s ghost, and watch what
- ...an amazing book from IDG
- picture. Now do Show Clipboard
- Click the version number.
- still there! Use ResEdit, as
- monitor to 256 colors. Restart,
- style name and press Enter.
- location in a document.
- list by pressing Command-
- You can tell it to shut up
- and Delete. The Mac will ignore
- useful ones to add: Allow
- there? A sound? A disk alias?
- appears. But not if you twitch
- Robbin wrote this Label Secrets
- to strip out the unnecessary
- assured Apple Records that it
- wrong, call 800-SOS-APPL, and
- memory—but never more than 512.
- (You change this using the
- Scrapbook. (The Note Pad
- Map control panel. Click the
- onto your Desktop Patterns
- when you copy it and paste it
- a drawing program. Rearrange
- Note Pad File. You get all
- Most have a plastic cap over th
- this menu. You’ll see text,
- a Classic); DAL; A/ROSE;
- between the Scrapbook
- also drag a font suitcase
- use Flash-It, a terrific
- if you TURN OFF the color!
- disk. Put your program and
- demanded that this book be
- a bookstore, or call
- automatically hides the
- desktop Mac. Next time, you can
- click one to hear it. If you’re
- “zap” (reset) it, restart the
- unlock it to empty the Trash.
- Get Info on the Trash. Just
- as you double-click. That
- file needs rebuilding. Use
- Yes, if you first drag them
- to open a highlighted file or
- move the rear one without
- panel and make a label totally
- put a space in front of the
- secretly, you’re pressing the
- it into someone’s Startup Items
- That’s why they
- Option-Left Arrow to close, a
- Arrow to expand a folder, and
- simultaneously selects
- press Command-Shift-Up Arrow,
- selected folder icon
- files. Use its Open command to
- to the folders from which
- press option while the
- press Option as you click
- they’re copying, pick the
- its name to see a pop-up list
- control panel to turn on the
- the Special menu. All the
- whatever outline view you last
- Command-Option-S. The same
- then press Command-Y. (Don’t
- corner to see the programmers’
- you need one again, double-
- a comma (i.e. “Subhead,S”). The
- But if you want to make a new
- are found, choose Make Alias.
- Excel. Put an alias of this
- (‚àû). (You create an infinity
- with white space copied from a
- you choose Copy from the
- drag a found file to move it,
- an alias of the Apple Menu
- slow down your Mac in weird
- I’ve done it all my life.
- control panel. Restart the Mac.
- menu. You’ll see the credits!
- you click the
- memory off, sets the disk cache
- Rename things, putting spaces
- get a $15 ImageWriter cable.
- sound-file icon into your
- In the Monitors control panel,
- panel. Drag the little screen
- letters or symbols you want—
- from doing so. Wait till the
- extensions. Next time you
- type ATM0 (that’s a zero).
- the first ring). ATSO=2 makes
- E-mail to POGUE or SCHORR (our
- materials. A lever switches
- external drive. That’s handy
- menu, choose Print. The Finder
- display to white-on-black. Try
- replace him with YOUR voice?
- alias. Instead of opening its
- to make it hollow. (This works
- other list views. Instead,
- store. Holding the can far
- menu; repeat the keystroke. The
- copy the same name as the
- switch to the Finder, or the
- a different picture. (The
- held down magnifies it more,
- city the control panel
- command. When you’re ready to
- original table. Scrolling will
- don’t line up right. To solve
- Info for the icon you want to
- up arrow (or down arrow) to
- Command-left arrow (or right
- Command-D to jump to the
- corner). Click the zoom box
- more easily handled object.
- Turn on Balloon Help. Put the
- it. Now reinstall all your
- Replace command to replace "
- appear. Click once more to
- long to print. If time is
- some file on it is open. Quit
- click Find. Now you know
- the close box of
- your System Folder, loose.
- with “Mac Secrets.” Save it
- from the Apple menu...
- Type to select icons; use
- in back, Option-click the
- onto one of the blanks to see
- sleuthing, use the Conflict
- with your “Secrets” book?
- choose Empty Trash. The Trash
- by David Pogue. Money-back
- clicking the More button;
- Secret or trick ... we’ll give
- Web Files folder, and
- teenage boys looking
- through Add/Strip, a great
- Speech from America Online
- rest your wrists on a
- know immediately which
- Send Now button in e-mail,
- Claris Emailer. It can answer
- (2) Command-Option-click in
- turned on “Protect System
- secret: drag it directly up
- one,
- in your e-mail messages!
- name in the toolbar, and
- ago, is 40% cheaper than buying
- unless you allot more RAM
- Now you can trash the
- Cells from the Format menu,
- during the brief moment of
- startup CD, restart, and press
- Restart while pressing the
- “Most applications crash —
- Anyway, Disk Rejuvenator
- of your hard drive and trash
- or Type from the pop-up menu.
- double-click a document?
- to use the OLD Find feature:
- SimpleText, etc.), Option-drag
- or you’ve cheated by using
- Assistant, or KeyQuencer (which
- it carefully. Remember: you onl
- compatible. The StyleWriter 240
- thesaurus, when you look up
- called Lower Burrell, PA. Why?
- sleeping PowerBook — whose
- film made into a PhotoCD
- folder. Trash the Prefs from
- Apple Menu Options control pane
- to leave in the System folder,
- with a special Mac icon) is
- a sentence, etc.; just choose
- without losing your selection.
- That’s what Virtual Disk is
- more compact in the window,
- Software updates by Internet:
- either? Press Shift-Clear to
- cheat sheets, and so on. Search
- Conflict Catcher III: it shows
- Apple dealer about a
- (force-quits current program)
- the technician. Turns out his
- turn ON virtual memory (to
- 1 or 2. (2) Then use the
- choice. You just need to
- year,” but surely you don’t
- just double-click one of those